
CIPD Definition & Short Course – An Introduction to Employee Engagement 

Employee engagement is a concept that has become increasingly mainstreamed into management thought over the last decade. It is generally seen as an internal state of being – both physical, mental and emotional – that brings together earlier concepts of work effort, organisational commitment, job satisfaction and ‘flow’ (or optimal experience). Typical phrases used in employee engagement writing include discretionary effort, going the extra mile, feeling valued and passion for work.

In its work with the Kingston Engagement Consortium, the CIPD has defined employee engagement as “being positively present during the performance of work by willingly contributing intellectual effort, experiencing positive emotions and meaningful connections to other”.

Have a look at what else CIPD say about Employee Engagement on the Employee Engagement factsheet.

An Introduction to Employee Engagement short course is right for you if you’re an HR practitioner or manager new to employee engagement or who have limited knowledge and would like to know the fundamentals.It examines what is meant by employee engagement, why organisations are interested in it, how employers can build an engaged workforce and how it can be measured.

An Introduction to Employee Engagement can also be provided in-house. This is a cost-effective approach if you have a number of people who require training. You choose where and when you want our trainers to deliver. We can also tailor the An Introduction to Employee Engagement course content to suit your precise organisation needs.

For short courses, please contact CIPD customer services team on +44(0)20 8612 6202

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