Open for Business in a Wider World


wales: open for business in a wider world

Uncertainty and changes within external environments can have a massive impact in the workplace – for example, the current wait to know the terms under which the UK leaves the European Union and how that may affect the organisations we work for and the people in them.

This TAG’s focus is looking at the present and future of engaging a multicultural and global workforce in a changing environment. We want to shine light on best practice on organisations that are leading the way in engaging their staff.


We are using our Panel Discussion as a starting point, by distilling out the key topics which were discussed and issues that were raised and compiling these in an interview guide. These topics will form the basis for a more detailed discussion in 1:1 interviews with a cross-section of organisations. The aim is to secure 20 interviews with senior leaders of organisations large and small between now and early 2019.

Those interviews will be analysed and the outcome and key points published in a final report to be available at the end of March to coincide with the date the UK leaves the EU.


Liking the sound of what we are doing? More volunteers are always welcome so this is a great time to join in and help shape what we are doing next.

TAG Members – are you interested in how engagement might be impacted by external factors such as Brexit? Do you have a bit of time to give to the movement and help us interview organisations and find out what they are doing to lead the way in engaging their staff? Then we want you to form part of our group! We are aiming to interview 3 organisations each with a balance of SME’s and larger organisations.

Volunteer Organisations – we are looking for both large organisations possibly spanning different locations, to local or not so local SME’s to share their story and what they are doing to engage their staff when uncertainty is unavoidable. Possibly they are finding recruiting talent difficult under potential changes with the context of the UK and the European Union, they may be looking to relocate or have already located some functions elsewhere, or are doing an excellent job to keep business growing despite economic uncertainty.

If you're interested in joining this TAG, please get in touch by clicking on the 'contact' tab below.

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This group is co-chaired by Cinthya Quijano and Silke Brittain.

Meet the Group

cinthya quijano

Director, Change Differently Ltd.

silke brittain

Managing Director, Clear Voice

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