
Employee Engagement news, blogs, research and opinion: What’s appearing on the web this week? (14/10/13) 

Missed the latest employee engagement news? Click below to read some of the latest employee engagement content that’s being shared on the web this week. (w/c 14 Oct 2013)

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A Simple, Science-Backed Way to Solve the Employee-Engagement Problem – Fast Company
“Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook know more about employees” than their managers do. That’s Rajat Paharia, founder of Bunchball and a father of the gamification industry. Paharia’s still surprised that, while consumer giants can effectively capture streams of user data to make shopping and entertainment more compelling, C-suite executives and managers have yet to tap the power of their internal systems to keep staff whistling–or at least nodding along to Spotify playlists–while they work.

Want To Shake Up Your Corporate Culture? Try Consulting Southwest Airlines’ Proven Customer-Centric Approach – Forbes
As a consultant and keynote speaker on corporate culture and customer service, I frequently hear the same concern: “People tell me my employees act differently when there aren’t any managers watching over them.” This concern is absolutely on the money. And you as a business leader should be worried about the same thing yourself. Without a consciously created culture, your business leadership won’t last past the moment that you leave the building.  Any vacation – or even lunch break – that you take is an invitation for disaster.

10 Ways to Lose Your Best Employees – Fast Company
In the course of writing The Talent Mandate, I spoke with a prominent business school professor who told me that no corporate function lags behind today so dramatically as talent. He sees improvements and innovations in every area except in the vital matter of managing people. That’s astonishing–and it’s also lunacy at a time when people costs tend to be upward of 50 percent of a company’s expenses. What could be more vital than talent to the bottom line? And yet the people in our employ continue to be neglected, taking a backseat to the various other matters that occupy our workdays.

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