Guest: Matthew Winn, Chief Executive, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust.
Matthew Winn has been the NHS England national director for Community Health leading on virtual wards, NHS Long Term Plan for older people and integration with social care. He continues to advise NHSE England and the Government on intermediate care and rehabilitation.
On behalf of partners, he is the senior responsible officer across Bedfordshire and Luton for community health and integrated discharge and chairs the children and young people partnership in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and is a core member of the Board developing the children’s physical and mental health services across Norfolk.
Previously he has chaired the regional research collaborative board (NIHR), founded and was the first chair of the Community Network (NHS Providers and NHS Confederation) and has been a member of the NHS Employers policy Board,
Outside of work he can be found pounding his way around a real tennis court and providing support to Cambridge United Community Trust as a trustee.
Join us as we discuss employee engagement in the NHS.
Host: Jo Dodds