From a compliance perspective, the DOL, the NLRB, the OFCCP, ICE, and state agencies have identified numerous issues for organizations to address and discuss with their employees. These include numerous employment laws and regulations, employment-at-will policies, wage and hour classifications, and time-off and leave issues. Organizations are routinely required to ensure that they have properly defined and manage these issues and must ensure that they comply with ongoing and future changes and updates.
Areas Covered in the Session:
• Review the key findings of the recent employee handbook survey
• Review the basics of employee handbook development
• Discuss the expanding purposes and scope of employee handbooks
• Review new policies and procedures, e.g., COVID-19, that should now be included in handbooks
• Learn the dimensions of critical handbook policies
• Understand the framework of employee handbook audit activities
• Develop employee handbook Key Performance Indicators
Speaker: Ronald Adler
RONALD ADLER, M.B.A., is the president-CEO of Laurdan Associates, Inc., a human resource management consulting firm. Mr. Adler specializes in HR auditing and consulting and is an internationally recognized thought leader on HR audits. Mr, Adler additionally is a consulting expert on human capital risk assessment and management, benchmarking and HR metrics, strategic HR, unemployment insurance issues. Mr. Adler has more than 45 years of HR consulting experience working with U.S. and international firms, small businesses and non-profits, insurance companies and brokers, and employer organizations.
Tags: communicate employee key issues, Contingency Plans, Corona Virus, Coronavirus, COVID 19, employee handbook audit activities, employee handbook development, employee handbook policies, employee handbook survey, Employee Handbooks, employment laws, employment regulations, employment-at-will policies, encourage positive employee performance, framework of employee handbook, handbook practices and procedures, HR management, Human rescources, identify the change in external and internal factors that affect its policies, importance of positive employees activities, Key Issues to Include in Managing in the Coronavirus Environment, Key Performance Indicators, KPI, new policies and procedures, organizational enhancement, outbreak, Pandemic, talent management challenges, The global pandemic, time-off and leave issues, wage and hour classifications
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