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Even the simplest leave requests can be complex and nuanced, posing challenges to even the most seasoned Leave Administrators. The possibility of costly, drawn-out litigation, only adds to the stress and pressure. Add to that: most employees making leave requests will be eligible for protection under the FMLA, ADA and, as well as State medical leave and other COVID-19 emergency laws. In this webinar we will discuss key, hot-button compliance issues and share some Best Practices for managing a workforce while staying in compliance during a pandemic.
Paid-leave regulations are getting complicated. As support grows for (and some business groups push against) a national law mandating paid family leave and paid sick days, some states, cities and individual organizations are out in front—adopting measures of their own. This proliferation and mishmash of regulations can make staying in compliance challenges.
Ask your question directly from our expert during the Q&A session following the live event.
**Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 365 days ( Access information will be emailed 36 hours after the completion of live webinar).