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Special Guest: Pam McLean, CEO and Co-Founder of Hudson Institute of Coaching
Pamela McLean, PhD, Author of Self as Coach, Self as Leader: The Internal Landscape, is CEO and Co-Founder of Hudson Institute of Coaching, a US-based coaching firm providing a full suite of coaching services to organizations and leaders. Master coach and clinical psychologist, Mclean’s latest book is Self as Coach, Self as Leader. Her previous books include The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching and LifeForward.
Pam was there in the beginning when coaching was an emerging field. Now, two decades later, she is even more passionate about the profound power of coaching. She is proud to lead the Hudson Institute, a coaching organization that develops great leaders, ones who make a difference in the lives of others at all levels in an organization.
Self as Coach, Self as Leader focusses on the concept of the use of self as an instrument—a key dimension in the practice of developmental coaching. While remedial, tactical or performance-based coaching may be sufficient to aid the client over the short term, developmental coaching places emphasis on the whole person. This innovative approach supplies coaches and leaders who are called upon to coach with a roadmap for exploring their internal landscape to strengthen the use of self as the most important tool in coaching. Along the way, both coaches and leaders will learn how to strengthen and harness the six broad dimensions integral to great coaching and great leadership—presence, empathy, range of feelings, boundaries and systems, embodiment, and courage.
Join us as we discuss the six broad dimensions integral to great coaching.
Listen Live (Archive Available)
Host: Jo Moffatt