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Today’s 24/7, “always on” world often cycles between “do more with less” downsizing and ever faster upgrading and can even appear to be spinning out of control. How do you harness the problem-solving support, resiliency and creativity in your work team. Are you ready to cultivate communication and conflict resolution skills that affirm your integrity and also set appropriate boundaries while being collaborative and compassionate.Learn key psychological skills for managing the uncertainty of change and strengthening your capacity for constructive risk-taking.
Why Should You Attend
Describe topic importance, how this can add value to the work style.
All levels of organizational personnel who are involved in teams, as well as all leaders and employees who aspire to leadership. This webinar is for expanding the philosophy of “winning” teams from, “There is no ‘I’ in team? to “Winning teams blend Individual Creativity and Interactive Community generating Intimate Collaboration.”
Areas Covered in the Session
» Discover Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory and keys to “Active Listening/Questioning”
» Understand group process dynamics and collaboration to facilitate emotional intelligence and productive problem-solving
» Evolve a safe atmosphere for “helmet’s off’ communication/facilitation
» Enable formal and informal leadership to emerge during free-flowing facilitation
» Identify responsible agents group structures for follow-up of targeted issues
» Harness conflict and mutual frustration into stress-reducing, creative collaboration and camaraderie- and morale- building
Who Will Benefit
» All industries, companies, organizations; all levels of employees and management
To Register (or) for more details please click on this below link:
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