Your workforce is now remote. Your job is to ensure that they are feeling safe, supported, and productive.
Many of our teams were having difficulty coping with stress and were facing burnout long before COVID-19 came along. Now we are seeing that this stress is heightened even further, and our teams are struggling to find their way.
This webinar will help HR Professionals and organization leaders to choose the most effective strategies that will help their teams stay engaged, balance the uncertainty, and build their resilience.
Resiliency can be learned. Small shifts can have a major impact. With these seven key areas, this interactive workshop will help you to choose the most effective strategies to help your team move forward during this crisis, minimize their negative stress symptoms and reactions, and take back their life.
Discover how to effectively respond to challenges, cope through change, and give and garner more support, so that your team can thrive.
- Recognize the signs and symptoms that are signaling that your team is not coping with the uncertainty and working remotely
- Discover the 3 C’s that leaders must address in supporting their team in times of crisis
- Avoid the pitfalls to managing a remote team during crisis using the 7 keys
- Understand the different types of resiliency strategies that can be performed throughout the day that can release the physical effects of stress, protect your team’s health, and enable them to relax more and feel better
- Utilize various resiliency strategies based on the S-O-S PrincipleTM to increase and restore energy
- Human Resources Professionals
- Health and Safety Reps
- Union Reps
- Supervisors, Manager, Directors (Team Leads)
- Executive Directors Not-For-Profit
- Business Owners, Entrepreneurs
- C-Suite