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Special Guest: Nigel Girling: Senior Consultant, Inspirational Development Group and EFS TAGs Steering Group Member
In show #389 in April, Nigel proposed that ‘engagement is not the point’, that we should instead be seeking to build better organisations doing better work with better outcomes to create a better world – and that to do this we must ‘transform our leaders first’.
In the second of his three episodes, Nigel takes that further to suggest that, if we are to achieve this aim of better work, better outcomes for a better world, then the primary purpose of an organisation – even in commercial business – should not be to make profits or provide returns to shareholders.
The first show ruffled a few feathers, this one should cause even more ‘debate’.
Join us as we discuss what should be the primary purpose of an organisation.
Listen Live (Archive Available)
Host: Jo Dodds