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Webinar Date: November 05, 2019
Time: 01:00 PM EST
Duration: 90 minutes
Take control of your time…and get control of your entire work day!
The speed of everything has changed. Are your time management skills up to the challenge?
Do you put off more today than you can ever accomplish tomorrow…exhaust yourself by 4:00 p.m. with only a fraction of your work done…see yourself as a decision maker who never gets around to making decisions…dread the next business meeting—or worse, going back to your desk to see what voice mails and emails await you? If you’re doing more and enjoying it less, it’s time to get out of the time trap and back to productive management! This presentation gives you practical techniques for controlling time and making it a manageable resource.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Self-Evaluation: How Do You Manage Your Time
• Take the Time-Mastery Profile® to identify how you spend your time
• Highlight your strengths and challenges with time
• Identify time wasters and learn how to avoid them using new techniques
Concentration and Focus
• Learn techniques that will help you complete your tasks at a faster rate
• Discuss how to handle distractions and interruptions—both self- and other-imposed
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