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Career planning in hard times: What individuals can do to maximize their success

Key Take-Away: Current events pose many challenges for workers. The virus leads to a business environment in which going to work can risk health and life; dealing with employers who must shut down or start up on short notice can also pose challenges. This webinar speaks to the challenges workers face in current conditions and […]

Stop the Harassment, Bullying, Gossip, Confrontational and Disruptive Behavior: A Manager’s Guide on How to Detox and Neutralize a Negative Workplace

Key Take-Away Whatever happened to respect?  Rude, indifferent, emotionally troubled, over-worked and dis-engaged Employees do more harm to your business and employee productivity than you can afford. A workplace culture of tolerating a bad attitude by one or more employees is not acceptable. A lot of times, the cause of the employee attitude is generated […]

The Path to Effective Mentoring Programs

This webinar explores modern or effective mentoring and the shift from the traditional style of mentoring. The traditional style of mentoring was about the senior person mentoring the junior person. The mentoring process was very much one way. Fast forward to today and we see successful mentoring programs becoming more about a two way trusted […]


Sarbanes-Oxley Simplified: An Overview

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made company executives personally responsible not only for the accuracy of their company’s financial statements and disclosures, but also for reporting on the effectiveness of its Internal Controls. Complying with the requirements of the Act can seem like an overwhelming task, but this entertaining and informative presentation will walk you […]


Improving these harmless habits that create toxic company cultures

online , United Kingdom

Just how do company cultures become toxic? While you may be tirelessly spending hours and resources trying to find different ‘fixes’ to mitigate issues at your workplace, it’s often the habitually harmless practices you may have overlooked creating toxic outcomes. But what are these harmless practices? And, what do you need to do to improve […]
