Call for new tag members
Our Passenger Transport Thought & Action Group is currently looking for new members to take things forward.
This group was active until 2017 and had been created to identify best practice across the passenger transport industry could be used to increase employee engagement – and ultimately improve customer experience.
The lines of enquiry included:
• The link between engaged employees and great customer service
• How to engage people who work very unsocial hours
• How engagement can work for people who have little contact with their line manager
• What makes engagement work when there is a safety-first culture
• Communicating effectively with non-office based teams
• Engaging teams where there is vast disparity between salaries
• Engagement in a heavily unionised business
• How the industry brings to life the four enablers of engagement
Over the years that it ran, the TAG had a wide range of members from all forms of
passenger transport, as well as supporting fields such as consultancy and communications.
The group organised a range of presentations on topics including engagement communications strategy, leadership, company-specific strategic programmes, and many more along with fascinating site visits to major companies including Heathrow Airport, British Airways and Network Rail.
Discussion papers, presentation slides and other resources that may be useful in future will be added to this page shortly. The group can be revived if significant engagement-related issues in this industry are identified in the future.
For any further information about this TAG please contact
Meet the Group