Guidelines for Engage for Success volunteers and interested parties
Not surprisingly the movement is being approached by a number of providers and volunteers with offers of support which it is being suggested we share to our audience. While this is of course welcome we need to be careful not to undermine or put at risk our neutral, non-endorsement policy or run contrary to our ownership by CIPD and it’s not-for-profit status.
To make it easier for us individually to respond promptly to any requests we’ve developed the following guidance:
- We will not share anything that appears to be medical advice.
- We will not share anything from an organisation or individual using coronavirus to promote themselves commercially.
- We can promote anything that is being freely shared ‘ungated’ for example a downloadable pdf, article or video.
- We will not promote anything that has a ‘gate’ eg requires an email address to use / download. This would include any software as a service (SaaS) products as people need to login to use them.
Submitting Content and Events
We always welcome content supportive of our core purpose “Inspiring people and workplaces to thrive”, relevant to the Four Enablers or the key themes of Good Work, Health and Wellbeing and Productivity.
If people want to share useful content for our website this can include a link in the footer back to their own products and services (gated or otherwise). This has always been our policy – we get the value of the content for our audience and any further benefit to the provider is only through the reader choosing to click on a link out of interest.
Content for the website can be submitted via
Content for the weekly newsletter can be submitted in ‘ready-useable’ form to
Content for sharing via our social media channels – please tag us on Twitter @Engage4Success or post in our Linkedin Group directly.
- We feature all relevant events (actual and virtual, eg webinars) in our Events calendar, some free of charge, some not and some may require data gathering. Events are submitted here.
- We will only feature events in our newsletter that are free or if EfS is speaking at it or jointly promoting it or it’s one of our events.
- We will feature paid for or ‘gated’ events on our newsletter if the provider gives us a separate piece of freely available and valuable, ie not self-promotional, content to accompany it on the newsletter or alongside as a blog.
We hope the above is useful and helps individuals make a decision on services or offered content without needing to involve others. If unclear or in doubt do please escalate to
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash