
Alcohol Aware Employer Campaign 

Engage for Success is delighted to support the new Alcohol Aware Employer Campaign from Alcohol Health Network. The Alcohol Aware Employer campaign aims to make all workplaces alcohol aware by engaging employees and employers to promote alcohol awareness and create a healthier working environment for everyone.

We’re on a mission to make every employer an Alcohol Aware Employer.

An Alcohol Aware Employer understands that alcohol awareness in the workplace matters – both for employee Wellbeing and for corporate success.

“I welcome this campaign. It has a most important aim – to help people recognise the serious long-term risks to health and Wellbeing when they drink above recommended guidelines.” Professor Dame Carol Black, DBE

“This is a really important campaign from Alcohol Health Network – I would urge all employers to promote alcohol awareness in their workplace, to improve overall health and Wellbeing” Prof Sir Cary L Cooper, CBE

Why is Alcohol Awareness so important for the workplace?

Drinking at harmful levels is responsible for more days off work per year than the 10 most common cancers combined. Alcohol is associated with 60 illnesses, including 7 types of cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Alcohol also plays a part in our mental health.

1 in 4 employees drink at harmful levels – and many are not aware of the risks to their health. We believe alcohol awareness should be an essential component of every employer’s health and Wellbeing strategy – here’s why:

Being an Alcohol Aware Employer enables you to:
  • Improve the physical & mental health of all employees
  • Encourage lower risk drinking across your workforce
  • Help to reduce absenteeism & presenteeism
  • Complement and reinforce your other health messages
  • Support the diversity of your workforce

Being an Alcohol Aware Employer also helps you meet the alcohol standards for the PHE Workplace Wellbeing Charter / local Wellbeing Charters.

What does being an Alcohol Aware Employer mean?

We are calling for all employers to ensure the following:

  • There is a clear, up to date alcohol policy, well communicated to all employees
  • Alcohol awareness is regularly promoted among all employees
  • Managers are supported and trained to spot alcohol problems early and know how to deal with them effectively
  • Employees with alcohol problems are encouraged to seek advice and support

Alcohol Aware Employers can raise alcohol awareness in a number of different ways, however your starting point should be to think about your policy and how you communicate it across your workforce. Alcohol awareness at work can be achieved through:

  • Having an up to date Alcohol Policy, well communicated to employees
  • Promoting employee alcohol awareness campaigns through, for example:
  • Print or online resources
  • Alcohol Health Stalls
  • Lunch and Learn sessions
  • Supporting your Line Managers to spot problems early on through training or resources
  • Having Drink Less challenges throughout the year
  • Ensuring you have alcohol-free drinks available at all work events
  • Letting employees know you will provide support for anyone experiencing alcohol problems
Are you an Alcohol Aware Employer? Take our free diagnostic test to see

Where are you on your journey to becoming an Alcohol Aware Employer? Take our short diagnostic test to find out. We’ll give you feedback on how you’re doing.

Free Resources to help you become an Alcohol Aware Employer
  • Diagnostic tool to see how alcohol aware you are
  • Alcohol Policy Checklist
  • AlcohoL and Workplace Health – FAQs
  • Infographic on alcohol and work

If you’d like more information about becoming an Alcohol Aware Employer, please email hello@alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk; or call us on 020 3151 2420.

Don Shenker, Director & Founder, Alcohol Health Network
Image courtesy of Alcohol Health Network
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