There are currently two active networks within the Midlands.
One focuses on the West Midlands and Greater Birmingham area and the other on the East Midlands and Nottingham area.
All groups provide different but complementary areas of focus allowing people to access a wide range of people, ideas and experiences.
Share + Learn + Inspire
We’re pleased to be holding our first Mental Health at Work Forum and the intention is to hold these quarterly. Your EFS events inspired this.
Ricky Burt
Engagement and Wellbeing Advisor
After today, I feel that I am more motivated than ever to champion engagement.
Our Ethos
The Greater Birmingham Engage for Success network meets 4-5 times a year and we want to involve you. If you are keen to understand more about the benefits of good employee engagement and how it improves the performance of your organisation then this is the free to attend group for you.
About our network
The network is run by volunteers who are passionate about engagement and sharing the ideas of Birmingham’s best practitioners.
Our intention is to:
- Provide you with opportunities to network with like-minded people
- Share best practice using techniques that you can take back into the workplace and
- Give you time to reflect on what you are inspired to take back to improve employee engagement in your work placeOur topics are decided by those who attend, so our programme evolves as the year progresses.
Our enormous thanks go to Hays Human Resources and Squire Patton Boggs LLP. Their hosting and sponsorship continue to make this possible.
be a presenter
You can raise your profile with Birmingham’s key people people by speaking at our breakfast seminars. We consider speakers from SMEs to global brands, public and voluntary sectors who can share the innovative employee engagement examples that demonstrate evidence of success.
learn more
To find out more please reach out to one of our volunteers by viewing the contact tab below, or click here.