There is a strong business case for retaining your talent because:
Turnover is rampant
- Most resignations ever in the U.S. in April 2021
- 4% unemployment rate – 2.2% for college grads
- 63% of employees say it is likely they can find a job as good as the one they have
- 51% of employees & 60% of millennials are considering new employment opportunities
- The average tenure for employees in their 20s is less than 18 months
Turnover is expensive
- 16% of salary for jobs under $30,000 – replacing a $ 10-hour employee costs $3,328
- 20% of salary for $30-50,000 jobs – replacing a $40,000 employee costs $8,000
- Up to 213% of salary for management positions; replacing a $100,000 employee can cost $200,000
And your most talented employees:
- Are more likely to be recruited with more opportunities available to them
- Are the most expensive to replace
- May take top performers and/or customers with them
Managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement & retention with:
- 65% of employees leaving their boss – not their job
- Because of poor managers, productive employees leave organizations even when satisfied with the pay & perks
- The prism through which employees see their organization is their view of their manager
- Managers are the best resource for improving retention & engagement
The most important thing a manager can do is build trust with his/her direct reports. Employees who trust their managers stay & give their best. And stay interviews build trust because they:
- Re-recruit talent by understanding why employees stay or might leave
- Make employees feel valued while improving engagement, productivity & retention
- Reinforce good relationships between managers & employees, forge new ones & help repair those that are strained
- Identify employees’ needs & how those needs can best be met creating better employee experiences
- Prevent exit interviews.
The Objectives of Stay Interviews
What Stay Interviews Are
What Stay Interviews Are Not
Steps in Initiating a Stay Interview Program
Conducting Stay Interviews
- Frequency & length
- Techniques & skills
- Core stay interview questions
- Sample potential issues & related probes of employees
- Closing a stay interview
Following Through on Your Stay Interviews
- Components of a stay interview action plan
- Stay interview cautions
- The three-step process for retaining employees.
Anyone with leadership, management, or supervisory responsibility.
More Info – https://bit.ly/3xUVNn4