
Top 7 Strategies To Help Boost Hybrid Work Productivity 

A hybrid work model provides workers with better flexibility and freedom in choosing their preferred work schedules. However, the model records various productivity challenges. For instance, increasing work productivity in a hybrid structure involves taking a holistic approach. And then there’s the requirement for employers to focus on improving communication, engagement, company culture, and employee well-being. 

The main tools and tips for a hybrid work environment ideally includes a stress-free workspace that is optimised work software and hardware. There must be clearly defined guidelines on what is expected from an employee. Work well done should be rewarded, and tracking metrics should be based on performance instead of time.

Organise a stress-free workspace

Work demands in a hybrid environment can change depending on the nature of the work. Work is organised in ways where some work from home while others report to the office on alternating schedules. And things that might cause stress to remote teams are different from those that affect the teams in-office. There is a chance that remote teams may have too much work to handle or might get overwhelmed balancing work with home responsibilities and other home-based distractions.

The office teams, equally, may have walk-in customers and too many tasks to handle. The bottom-line here is that employers need to help their hybrid teams work in stress-free workspaces. The solutions should work effectively for both the remote team and the team working from the office.

A comfortable environment, minimum distractions

Ideally this should be away from the living room where it’s likely to get busy with other family members or pets. Similarly, employees directly handling walk-in customers in the office should be assigned fewer tasks that keep them glued to their work monitors.

factoring in frequent breaks

An employee may choose to work from the garden to enjoy the outdoor air. Workers in the office can be provided with breaks to relax for a short moment. Create a pet zone where pets can play without distracting work and where employees can join them during their break times.

ergonomic furniture and work equipement

Employers can support remote workers with money to buy comfortable work furniture. Workers working from the office should have access to the same type of work furniture. Providing work laptops can help create a more cyber-secure work environment too.

optimise work hardware & software

No matter how powerful a computer is, it cannot work effectively if software and hardware are not optimised for speed. The computer will begin to underperform and have consistent security issues. Workers will experience configuration conflicts and may require professional help often. 

Timely maintenance can help speed up the performance, and employees should have the tools they need to communicate and collaborate efficiently. These are necessary when performing hardware and software optimisation processes. 

carry out an IT/ channel audit

frequent audits should be carried out for the current hybrid work network structure. It helps to establish how safe it is and how well communication flows. Part of the process should involve resigning legacy workflow applications that can hinder software and hardware speed. 

use of video & chat tools, and cloud-based emails

Video and chat meetings enhance collaboration. Teams should be guided on updating software and hardware performance wherever they work. implementing cloud-based emails can help ensure business emails are available even when one system slows down.

use of document and task management systems

Keeping processes running in tandem is a challenge in a hybrid workflow. And the use of a document management system can help maintain digitally transformed processes, and improve document security, work collaboration, and continuity. Similarly a task management system can focus on building centralised activities, enhanced efficiency, and reliability in a hybrid workflow – and therefore improve overall work efficiencies.

create a strong work culture

A hybrid work model culture is improved when the entire team utilises optimised hardware and software. Beyond these, employers need to establish a strong work culture that promotes ownership and trust to help employees feel empowered. For an enhanced work culture, managers can use the following strategies:

avoid micromanagement…

… and let workers feel they are trusted to get the job done. 

create clear policies around flexible working

Flexibility is necessary, but it can be misused. Managers should allow flexibility up to a certain point to ensure there is a balance.

organise social events

Once in a while, bring hybrid employees together to bond and have fun. 

encourage transparency and support

Encourage workers to speak the truth about their work and challenges. Provide support and a safe space always.

define communication expectations

For the hybrid work model to succeed, employers need to implement a hybrid communication model. This is a model that brings onboard both in-office and remote workers. Communication should be done in real-time to avoid disrupting delivery schedules and work quality. The guidelines should capture the following details.

types of tools and how to use them

Clearly define if workers will be using telephone, email, social media, or web conferencing tools to communicate. There should be clear guidelines for in-person and remote communication.

protocols during meetings

Once in a while, the manager may organsse a meeting that brings all staff members to one physical place. Many other times, there will be remote departmental or manager-to-worker meetings. Workers should understand the protocols and etiquette they need to follow in any meeting format.

giving feedback

Feedback helps workers in a hybrid work model know if they are on the right track and what corrections they need to make. There should be guidelines on how to give feedback from managers and other employees so that it’s constructive and helps improve work efficiencies and productivity.

resolving conflict

Conflicts are bound to happen, but the action taken by a worker or manager can affect work delivery. If it is not resolved, productivity can be impacted negatively. There should be guidelines on how to handle such issues if and when they arise. 

track performance instead of hours

Employers can be tempted to use total hours worked as a productivity metric in a hybrid word model. This often affects productivity because some workers may tend to overwork and get burned out in the process. Instead of hours, use performance-based metrics. This gives the worker freedom and flexibility to choose to work during their best productive hours. To help them improve performance, have in place the following measures:

inform teams about the goals they need to meet

Both remote and in-office employees should know what is expected from them. 

make use of management tools

These help employers know the progress made on projects and help decide the level of input required from employees. 

consistently check-in with employees

When employers have established a safe hybrid work culture, employees will not fear to communicate or give feedback. Make sure you check-in with them frequently and take quick action whenever needed. 

invest in personal & career development

Employees are happy when they see themselves growing in education, skills, income, and work position. Every employee is gifted differently, and employers should positively identify the areas of improvement for their team. This can be done via career counselling, mentoring, coaching, skilling, and reskilling. These steps will help employers invest in employees’ personal development.

nurture teams’ talents for career progresion

Employers need to identify employee talents and skills that can help nurture the talents. There should be a strong progression structure that promotes development for workers with a clear, structured path to growth. Employees should also be encouraged to pursue specific courses and skills enhancement that are aligned with the organisation’s needs.

recognise & reward good work

Employers must realise that allowing a hybrid work model is not a reward for employees. You are not doing them a favour. Organisations should have in place guiding principles for effective hard work recognition and reward for hybrid employees. It is possible to have rewarding biases, but there should be a way to tackle them. The best practices for recognition and reward include the following: 

work appreciation during meetings

Remember to appreciate workers during meetings. Create time to give them kudos and to appreciate their contributions.

rewards and promotions

Incentives and can be in terms of work benefits, perks, travel tickets, and holidays. Moreover, a team member who who consistently outperforms expectations deserves a promotion where possible. 

employee recognition platforms

It helps to seal the gap between in-office and remote employees and also provides better visibility for instant recognition and reward. 

managing burnout

Worker burnout negatively impacts productivity. It can be caused by stress, or other unexpected situations in life, such as sickness or grief. Employers should have guidelines on how to help workers manage stress and avoid burnout as far as possible.


Many things affect productivity in a hybrid work model. Employers should have strong work structures that promote enhanced productivity. These include a strong work culture and the use of optimised software and hardware. There should be a well-defined reward system and clear guidelines during meetings. Employee growth and development should be prioritised, as well as well-defined productivity metrics based on performance. 

Author: Anna Lysiuk – Outreach Specialist, MacPaw Inc.

Photo credit: Freepik

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