Special Guests: Riffat Ahmed and Andrew Webb: BUPA’s People Technology and Digital Team

Riffat and Andrew are a duo of digital experts from Bupa’s People Technology and Digital team who have worked together for a number of years across a range of digital transformation programmes, sharing an uncompromising passion for digitisation of employee experience.

In this episode, Riffat and Andrew will discuss what delivering a ‘consumer-grade employee experience’ means to them, along with some insight to what it takes to achieve it. Riffat has spent the past few years setting up a function dedicated to optimising digital employee experience, comprising of; continuous improvement, programmes and projects, security and support, digital learning, people analytics and an award-winning digital experience team, which Andrew has been leading within the function.

Focus for both Riffat and Andrew has recently shifted toward the development of Bupa’s ‘future of work technologies’ with a specific focus placed on the potential applications of Automation and Generative AI, with a view to taking Bupa’s employee experience to the next level.

Join us as we discuss taking employee experience to the next level.

Host: Andy Goram

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