There is often a disparity between what not-for-profit organisations’ employee engagement results say and the reality in the workplace. Organisations with a strong sense of purpose might boast high employee engagements scores, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into engagement with the organisation per se.
The ambition of the group is not just to improve employee engagement practices in their own organisations (and in turn positively impact the organisation and its workforce), but to advocate for positive change throughout the sector.
This group meets bimonthly usually in central London. Every meeting has a theme, suggestions for which are welcomed from our group members. Presentations from one or more group member are often given, and we also welcome guest speakers to share their thoughts on sector specific engagement topics. Academic and practitioner research is also discussed.
If you're interested in joining this TAG, please get in touch by clicking on the 'contact' tab below.
future projects
The group shall soon begin exploration of the engagement of volunteers. A fascinating level of volunteering efforts went into making the Olympics and Paralympics in London back in the summer of 2012 the huge success that they were. The 70,000 “Games Makers” were undoubtedly one of the highlights of London 2012. We were met with headlines including ‘How volunteers made the Games’, suggestions that the Games Makers should win the BBC’s Sports Personality Team of the Year award and #BigUpTheVolunteers trending. Understanding what engages people who volunteer their time on a non-contractual basis was one of the inspirations for forming this group.
We also intend to examine the relationship between engagement and some of the more sector specific bottom line outcomes. This group acknowledges that unlike in other sectors where links are commonly drawn between engagement and profit, for example, other more sector specific metrics such as the extent to which engagement impacts on the numbers of those whose lives are impacted by the efforts of the organisation should be measured.