Guest: Mark Horsley, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Gas Networks Limited (NGN)
Against a background of rock bottom employee engagement and customer satisfaction scores, a pioneering new approach to empowering employees has produced a complete turnaround in Northern Gas Networks’ (NGN’s) business, which independent research by the Institute of Customer Services (ICS) shows now has the most engaged employees of any utility business in the UK as well as the highest customer satisfaction.
This has been driven by a genuinely transformational and inclusive approach that has resulted in all employees being enabled to devise and implement their own solutions to business issues. Employees feel empowered to make a difference, they create their own improvement initiatives and set their own targets and this has helped drive up customer scores to the point where NGN now outperforms some of the UK’s top retail companies.
NGN’s Chief Executive Officer, Mark Horsley, joins us to talk about how NGN has transformed its customer experience from the inside out.
Host: Jo Moffatt