Special Guest: Sharon Peake: Shape Talent Ltd
Historically, gender quality has been viewed as a women’s issue and the focus has been on how to ‘fix’ women. And whilst there are undoubtedly actions women can and should take to increase their visibility, resilience and build their own authentic leadership style, as much, if not more effort needs to be expended by organisations in creating an equal playing field. Our research has identified the three types of barriers preventing women from being represented equally at senior leadership level – societal, organisational and personal barriers – and within this the 22 underpinning challenges to create more gender diverse leadership teams. There are steps all organisations can take to make a real
difference in this area and we explore the five key actions that can have the greatest impact.
Sharon is the founder and Managing Director of Shape Talent – a gender diversity coaching and consultancy business with a mission to accelerate significantly more women into senior leadership roles in business. She is an experienced diversity and talent management leader with over 25 years’ experience working in and with global businesses across developed and emerging markets.
Join us as we discuss the barriers to women’s progression.
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Host: Jo Moffatt