
Show #152: The Link Between Engagement, Recognition and Productivity 

Guest: John McVeigh, President of OC Tanner

The vast majority of business leaders recognise there is a correlation between engagement, recognition and productivity. In fact, according to a 2016 report by engagement experts, Purple Cubed, 70% of C-Suite members see a clear link between engagement and productivity.

This is the virtuous circle at its best. Recognising your people impacts upon engagement. And when employees are engaged they are more productive. Positively, if put in place with proper rigour and measures, this cycle can be never ending; delivering continuous tangible results.

Sadly though, very few organisations measure this connection; citing it ‘too difficult’ or lacking the tools to obtain the data.

John is currently the President of O.C. Tanner International and is heavily involved in The World Presidents’ Organisation. He and his global team of great work experts have helped thousands of companies around the world design reward and recognition strategies, leadership training initiatives and employee engagement solutions to maximise performance and results.

Join us as we talk about the link between engagement, recognition and productivity and explain how organisations can achieve great work by finding the perfect ERP formula.

Host: Jo Moffatt

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