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16:30 – 17:30
21st April 2021
#PeopleProductivity@Engage for Success, join the conversation to:
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In February 2021, the CIPD released a much-needed review of employee engagement. Jonny Gifford and Jake Young were an integral part of the research team and will be joining Engage for Success to present a session, zoning in on the research they undertook on motivation and what this means in practice for people professionals.
This interactive session covers:
Jonny Gifford @jonnygiff, Senior Adviser for Organisational Behaviour, CIPD
Jonny’s work centres on generating robust and relevant research insight and strengthening links between research and practice. He has been conducting applied research in the field of employment and people management for over 15 years, with previous roles at Westminster Business School, the Institute for Employment Studies and Roffey Park Institute. His interests include job quality or ‘good work’, workplace conflict, and behavioural science insights into core HR areas such as recruitment, reward, performance management and ethical behaviour. He directs the CIPD’s annual Applied Research Conference, leads the CIPD’s work on evidence-based practice, and is a seasoned public speaker.
Jake Young, Research Associate, CIPD
Jake joined CIPD in 2018, having completed a master’s degree in Social Science Research Methods at the University of Nottingham. He also holds an undergraduate degree in Criminology and Sociology. Jake’s research interests cover a number of workplace topics, notably diversity and inclusion, with which he has been involved in two recent research projects. Jake is also interested more widely in organisational culture, particularly the role this plays in key research agendas such as learning and development. Alongside Jonny Gifford, Jake co-authored the CIPD’s newly-published evidence review of Employee Engagement, and its discussions into the relationship between engagement and performance, as well as three key constructs that underpin engagement, motivation, organisational identification and commitment.
This is meeting #10 for our People Productivity Group. To see what we have done in our previous meetings, join us on LinkedIn where you can find the recordings of each session:
Volunteer hosts and facilitators Fiona Anderson, Nicholas Wardle, Sarah Pass, Jill Munden, Scott Rolph and Katrin Kircheis look forward to seeing you.
Not able to join us? Then please contact us on: