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Radio Show #394 : Adaptability in the Age of Googlization

24 May 2021 |5:30 pm - 6:00 pm BST

Ira Wolfe

Special Guest: Ira Wolfe: President of Poised for the Future Company

Ira S Wolfe is a “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body” and president of Poised for the Future Company, founder of Success Performance Solutions, a TEDx Speaker, Top 5 Global Thought Leader on Future of Work and HR (Thinkers360), author of Recruiting in the Age of
Googlization and host of Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast (selected as one of the top 50 podcasts to listen to in 2021).

Ira is a frequent presenter at SHRM and business conferences and a guest on over 50 podcasts each year. His most recent book is Recruiting in the Age of Googlization, now in its 2nd edition. It was selected as one of the top 50 books to read in 2021 by Thinkers360 and recognized as one of the best Recruiting books of all-time by Book Authority. He is founder of the Googlization Nation community and frequent contributor to HR and business blogs. He’s been featured in INC Magazine, Fast Company, Business Week, American Express OPEN, NFIB, Inc., Intuit Small Business and Fox Business. He is also the author of 5 other books including Perfect Labor Storm and Understanding Business Values and Motivators.

Change is nothing new. But living in a VUCA* world is. The result is that SHIFT hit everyone’s plan and our next wave of future will undoubtedly be an unnatural normal. Millions of people and business teams are feeling the pain, stuck, and struggling to grow. Fortunately, we all have the ability to grow and thrive despite entering this next wave of perpetual uncertainty. During this episode, adaptability pioneer and Chief Googlization Officer Ira S Wolfe will introduce you to a revolutionary approach that is more powerful than EQ for helping to make change work for you. He’ll introduce you to a new success model for self-development and team building and ensure that you and your workforce will not be left behind.

Join us as we discuss a new success model for self-development and team building

Listen Live (Archive Available)

Host: Jo Dodds


24 May 2021
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm BST
Event Category:


EFS Radio Podcast


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