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How To Reverse the Effects of Trauma

online , United Kingdom

Effective HR metrics are not developed in a vacuum. The "right or best" metrics require a detailed understanding of your organization: how it generates revenue, its business strategies and objectives, it business imperatives, the risks it faces, the opportunities to be seized, and what it already measures. Thus, HR metrics should not be developed in […]


Garnishment Update 2022: Legislation , Challenges and Risk for Employers and Employees

online , United Kingdom

Garnishments are a requirement of doing business and having employees but juggling the requirements of different types of garnishments and federal and state laws can be exhausting. This webinar will give you the tips and tools to learn how to stay compliant and process garnishments Will talk about all the recent updates to Garnishment legislation […]


Retaining Top Talent

online , United Kingdom

With more competitive offers and reduced tenure, it is important that organizations keep their employees engaged. We will cover methods for solving retention issues, reducing attrition, and increasing employee satisfaction. Why Should You Attend With the mobility of Millennials and the high level of attrition rates, are you using the most effective methods to retain […]


Working Smarter Every Day – Time and Task Management Tips and Tricks

online , United Kingdom

The speed of everything has changed. Are your time management skills up to the challenge? Do you put off more today than you can ever accomplish tomorrow...exhaust yourself by 4:00 p.m. with only a fraction of your work done...see yourself as a decision maker who never gets around to making decisions...dread the next business meeting-or […]


9 Strategies to Protect Yourself from Toxic People and Energy Vampires

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time” -Maya Angelou Toxic behavior in the workplace is like an infectious disease - it spreads and infiltrates teams and relationships. Without the understanding, skills and tools applied intentionally, toxicity will continue to spread eventually impairing the organization and burning out the leaders and […]


FMLA Step by Step Compliance

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

Although the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA)was enacted 18 years (1993) ago the workplace still has problems complying with its requirements. Sometimes that required compliance is ignored because either the employer or the employee is not aware of their obligations, rights, or both. This webinar is designed to make that compliance easier to understand regardless […]


Creating an Insanely Positive Workplace Culture

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

Year after year, companies like USAA, Marriott Hotels and Wegmans Food Markets are consistently listed in Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies To Work For. How do they do it? It’s more than free food at gourmet cafeterias and onsite gyms. It's the management practices that inspire employees to contribute their very best. In this webinar, […]


Leading Functional Work Teams – Overcoming Dysfunctions

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

You know what it feels like to be on a great team. There's trust, collaboration, caring, and incredible energy. You want to go to work every day. On the other hand, you also know what it feels like to be on a dysfunctional team. It's exhausting. You feel like you're swimming against an incoming tide […]


Conquer Toxic People – Learn To Protect Yourself And Get Your Sanity Back

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

Having to deal with toxic people is overwhelming and frustrating. The non-sensical conversations, ad hominem attacks, misrepresentations, deception, lack of taking responsibility for their actions, defensiveness, back-stabbing, condescension, and sarcasm are exhausting. You'd like to just get the job done, without feeling like you're going into battle. You avoid them as much as possible, find […]


Transitioning from a Traditional Manager to a Strategic Leader

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, DE 19720, USA, New Castle, DE, United States

Leaders can be trained to lead strategically by developing and following a Strategic Frame of Reference which involves: » Drafting their team's current Mission - including their primary customer and the key products, services and value they provide to that customer » Utilizing a SWOT/Situational Analysis - identifying their team's internal/current strengths and weaknesses and […]


Changing Power Dynamics 2023/24

online , United Kingdom

People make our business work! Fear, Trust and Values are all at play. Annemieke HJ provides an overview and will be providing all attendees with a complimentary copy of the book Fear, Trust & Values. This in person event, offers insight in thought leadership with focus on Purpose Led Business, Innovation in Resourcing and Growth […]


Strategic Interviewing & Selection: Getting the Right Talent on Your Team

online , United Kingdom

Managers would disagree with the idea that their Recruiting, Interviewing, and Selection process significantly impacts all aspects of their organization's performance - including its profitability. Organizations need quality candidates and managers need to know how to identify those candidates who have the competencies that meet the job requirements. This webinar will provide the participants with […]


The Business Revival Series

ExCel, London Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway,, London, United Kingdom

The Business Revival Series is the ultimate show for any business person looking to kickstart their business after the roadblocks of the last couple of years. Bringing together The Business Innovation Expo, The Remote Working Expo, The Corporate Wellbeing Expo, and The Communication Technology Expo- The Business Revival Series has everything any budding entrepreneur or […]
