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2nd Edition Employee Engagement Conference

Employees and their work determine the direction and success of a business. It makes sense for that reason to then set aside resources to ensure that employees feel committed to their work and continue to feel so. It is important to understand how to drive engagement through consistent attention to development of employees. Measurement of […]

[webinar] You Must C.A.R.E.: How to Give Corrective Feedback

Key Take Away: In today’s demanding business climate that has an accelerated focus on treating workers right, it is so important to engage their issues with timely action, tact, and communication skills that leaves nothing to chance in corrective measures, for any and all negative situation you encounter. Overview: C.A.R.E.-ing is: being appreciative, presence, acknowledging […]

[webinar] Management Solutions: How Do I Manage My Time, Difficult People, Delegate Effectively And Still Get Everything Else Done?

Overview: This highly interactive Webinar offers you an array of practical tools to manage your time, difficult people and delegate effectively while getting everything else done that you need in order to manage effectively.You’ll learn practical techniques for planning, prioritizing, delegating and managing everyone effectively, enhancing your overall team performance! What skills and attributes does […]

[webinar] How to Conduct Effective Meetings

Overview: Most companies have far too many meetings that are not efficient nor effective. This webinar will give you all the guidance and methodology you need to always maximize the impact and results you create with meetings. The next time you conduct a meeting your co-workers will be asking you to share the secrets you […]

[webinar] Building Your Winning Team

Webinar Date: January 15, 2020 Time: 01:00 PM EST Duration: 90 minutes Overview: A winning team will out produce any individual and most other teams. There is an amazing strength, resilience and ability to perform at heroic levels when a quality team is in synch and working together. A good team will improve your results far […]

Leading with Higher Power Humor ™: Challenging Your Self while Engaging the World through Emotional (EQ) and Humor (HQ)

Overview: When it comes to workplace leadership, there are many critical issues. One vital “hands-on” question: how to maximize leadership effectiveness in a 24/7, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – driven and distracted world. Let the Stress Doc facilitate your EQ to HQ upgrade with this “Get FIT” — FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – Webinar or Workshop, including how to […]

[webinar] How to Manage & Minimize Chaos of the Coronavirus (COVID 19) In the Workplace

Overview: The Coronavirus known as (COVID 19) has totally disrupted the workplace, where anxiety and the way business is done has changed forever. For many organizations having a plan is the BEST course of action, and with the changing national condition, employers are feeling the growing concerns. This session provides attendees with current helpful tips […]

[webinar] Assertive Communication Models for Women – Key to Increased Visibility

Overview: This presentation provides action steps for women to increase their chances of getting promoted. Three models are presented for Women. These models should improve women’s leadership style, their communication style and how they behave in critical meetings. The third model goes into Executive Presence and obtaining stakeholders to support promotions. Areas Covered in the […]

[webinar] Virtual Greatness: Work From Home Successfully

Overview: People in many organizations have been working from home for years. However, with the current pandemic, many more workers are being asked to work from home. For those folks and those who supervise them, who are new to this mode of work, understanding how to accomplish goals in this new environment requires a quick […]

[webinar] Coronavirus; What Businesses and Decision Makers Need to Know

Overview: The health and economic dangers associated with COVID-19 are obvious, and they have exposed serious vulnerabilities in complex international supply chains. China has meanwhile threatened openly to curtail exports of rare earths that go into electric vehicles and even lifesaving medications. The good news is however that, if everybody does what the CDC, OSHA, […]

Career planning in hard times: What individuals can do to maximize their success

Key Take-Away: Current events pose many challenges for workers. The virus leads to a business environment in which going to work can risk health and life; dealing with employers who must shut down or start up on short notice can also pose challenges. This webinar speaks to the challenges workers face in current conditions and […]