
This high performing team delivers gold medal EFS events 

By Stephanie Ball

Triple Paralympian and former captain of the GB wheelchair rugby team Andy Barrow has teamed up with business improvement specialist and our South East Area Network Ambassador Frazer Rendell to host online events on the topic of high-performing teams.  

Since March of this year, Frazer and Andy have been delivering a unique insight into the shared motivators that help engage athletes and employeesThey have created practical, easy-to-digest and popular online events busing real-life stories and examples around Engage for Success’ Four Enablers.

The first in-person event in early March generated so much interest that they followed up with three more fully-booked online sessions in July and September.

“We’ve had people from South Africa, Portugal, Austria and Ireland and all over the UK taking part in the events. It’s just incredible to have international attendees joining in,” says Frazer. “And, of course, if we had been doing these events in the real world, there’s no way many of these people would have come to Kent.” 

Frazer and Andy promote the events on their personal LinkedIn and Twitter pages, and of course, the EFS communications team helps amplify their message. “To be fair,” says Frazer, “the Engage for Success Newsletter certainly seems to promote a lot of interest in a lot of different countries, because it’s not restricted to who’s picking up this information.” 

What are people saying?

Fiona Smith, HR Lead and Change Specialist, posted feedback on LinkedIn after the event: “Lots of food for thought, practical tips and a reminder that taking small steps in key areas can have a massive positive impact on employee engagement.”

Derek Carter, a talent management professional, attended an event in July and commented on LinkedIn: “I joined this last week and can totally recommend it for anyone interested in employee engagement and motivation. Loved how it was an interactive zoom meeting that involved some discussion.”

Frazer recalls one attendee in particular, who works for the UK’s Department of Work and Pensionstelling him, “I’ve been attending Engage for Success events for years and today is the first time I’ve truly understood what the four enablers are about.” 


Frazer’s advice for planning events that have an impact

Having spent years in hospitality, retail and healthcare industries, Frazer’s operational background has given him invaluable insight into effective communication. 

“I tend to use a lot of examples to try and explain what things mean.”  

Both presenters translate complex concepts into plain-speak to help people “get it” and to take things from the “classroom” to real life. 

“I don’t want people to just sit there and think its a theoretical thing. Let’s understand why it’s happening and let’s have some examples to demonstrate that,” says Frazer. Iyou can’t measure it, if they can’t see the practical steps … to make it happen, it just won’t work.” 

Frazer stresses the importance of practicality at their events: “Lets’ make it easily digestible for people, help them get it, provide some simple, practical actions for them to take away, and it will work.” 

 What’s next?

With busy schedules, Frazer and Andy haven’t planned any other follow-up events at this time, but their online event experiences will have been invaluable in whatever they do next. 

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