"The public sector exists to enable a safe, healthy, and productive civil society. Simply put, the better the public sector performs, the better the UK will be as a place to live, work and prosper." – David MacLeod, OBE, Co-Founder of EFS
David is absolutely spot-on, which is why Engage for Success continues to highlight research and events of special interest to public sector organisations. Whether you are part of Local Government, the Civil Service, Emergency Services, Armed Forces, NHS, Education or any other of the UK’s essential public sector you will find useful information and tools on this page that will help build employee engagement in your own workplace.
We will be adding more material on an ongoing basis and would love you to share examples from your own organisation. Let’s pool our ideas to make the whole of the public sector a really great place to work – because we know that happier and more fulfilled public sector employees produce far better outcomes for citizens.
Thanks to HM Revenue & Customs, EFS now has a dedicated Director of Public Sector Innovation to oversee this work. To find out more, please email gary@engageforsuccess.org
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