
How to Improve Employee Engagement – 7 Experts Share Their Top Tips 

The success of any organisation depends heavily on the level of engagement of its employees. Engaged employees are more likely to be committed, productive, and satisfied with their jobs, leading to higher retention rates and increased profits. Research has shown that 70% fewer safety incidents occur in highly engaged workplaces. However, improving employee engagement is not always a straightforward process, and there is no one magic formula to achieve it.

To help you tackle this challenge, we have gathered insights from seven experts in the field. Each expert brings a unique perspective and practical advice to the table, providing you with a range of strategies to enhance employee engagement. From cultivating a positive work environment to fostering growth and development opportunities, these tips will help you create a more dynamic, motivated, and fulfilled workforce.

So whether you’re a team leader looking to inspire your employees or an HR professional striving to improve the employee experience, you’re in the right place. With the help of these experts, you’ll learn how to boost employee engagement and create a workplace culture that drives success. Let’s explore their top tips and start engaging your employees today!

Good Communication, Recognition & Appreciation

Daniel Thompson is the co-founder of Salt Water Digital. His business helps companies of all sizes expand and scale with reliable marketing strategies. He helped build various affiliate content sites and has more than a decade of experience in SEO and digital marketing. Jerica Amores, the Chief People Officer of Tomedes, a remote-based translation company that offers multilingual and technological solutions to thousands of businesses and Fortune 500 companies worldwide. She discusses the importance of work culture and company principles to motivate employees and increase retention rates based on years of experience working for a remote company in the language industry. Lucjan Suski is the CEO and co-founder at Surfer, a content intelligence platform that bootstrapped to $7 million ARR in four years. He has 10 years of experience as a full-stack developer and CTO.

Lack of employee engagement is one of the issues that can make or break your company. Thompson says “In the workplace, *maintaining great communication* is essential because it is one of the things that will help you collaborate with your team. Your staff’s disengagement and lack of responsiveness will lead to decreased production as well as workplace dysfunction. Adopting numerous strategies at work that can help close the gap between low productivity and stability is the most efficient way to deal with this issue. One of these involves conducting surveys that require employees to answer inquiries regarding feedback and problems they frequently encounter at work.”

As the head of a translation company’s human relations, vendor management, and employee retention, Amores gave some insights on managing a global remote team that is from different continents and time zones.

“Besides the 20,000+ vendors that Tomedes works with, we have more than a hundred remote-based employees located in the US, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. What has made it possible for us to manage such a large and diverse team is open communication, which is part of our work culture and company principles. Our employees can approach and discuss with C-level executives about the situation of the company, possible solutions to problems, etc. This encourages innovation and creates trust among workers despite the challenges of remote work, which increases retention in the company.”

Suski of Surfer notes “I believe that employee engagement is an essential element of successful business operations. It involves creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated to do their best work. To achieve this, it’s important to monitor engagement on both a technological level (e.g., tracking metrics such as attendance rates or performance scores) and on a personal level (e.g., through one-on-one conversations with each team member).” Additionally, he shares his top tips for increasing employee engagement and productivity are the following:

  1. Make sure that employees are clear on their roles and responsibilities, as well as the goals they should be working towards.
  2. Create an environment of trust and respect where everyone is able to contribute ideas without fear of judgment or criticism.
  3. Encourage open communication between all team members so that everyone can collaborate effectively.
  4. Give employees the tools, resources, and support they need to do their job successfully.

feedback & Performance Management

Jason Moss is the co-founder and President of Moss Technologies REI Marketing Solutions. He works exclusively with estate investors to help them build credibility, gain visibility, and buy more properties. Maxim Levichev is the team leader at Fluix, an enterprise automation software solutions company. They share their thoughts and experience on feedback and performance management.

“At Moss Technologies, we conduct employee engagement surveys at least once every two months and encourage employee participation. Fortunately, all our staff took part. *The survey determines how highly appreciated employees feel by management and the organisation. Surveys of employee engagement are essential for reducing employee turnover and increasing retention,” Jason Moss says. He also notes “We follow up with questions regarding our engagement index’s four primary drivers of employee engagement: leadership, enablement, alignment, and development (LEAD). Using these results, we then address and enhance aspects of our employee experience that adversely affect satisfaction levels. After addressing the concerns, we’ve seen a significant increase in employee satisfaction, retention, and even greater productivity.”

Levichev also notes that they also use employee engagement surveys and engagement analytics to monitor employee engagement and performance management. He adds, “on a personal level, I have regular one-on-one meetings with my team members to discuss their job satisfaction, goals, and any issues they may be facing.”

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Tia Campbell is the director of Marketing at Practice Reasoning Tests, a site dedicated to service and present tests to improve the reasoning skills of its clients. Adam Wood is the co-founder of Revenue Geeks, a website that covers everything related to e-businesses and e-commerce. They primarily write about how to sell products on Amazon, the largest online marketplace in the world. Their mission is to offer users a really honest, committed, and helpful tool when navigating Amazon and e-commerce.

Tia Cambell notes about encouraging lines of communication to make the employees feel more included in a very diverse workplace. She notes, “In my opinion, there are a lot of employees who are seeking chances to talk to their managers, but unfortunately, those kinds of scenarios aren’t always available. That can change if employees are encouraged to interact with their supervisors and with you. Another useful piece of advice is to host virtual office hours or casual happy hours online for people who are interested in chatting with others.” Engage for Success provides additional support for this notion by offering five effective strategies to lead, develop and engage remote teams. These include organising virtual office hours or casual online happy hours for employees who are keen to socialise and interact with their colleagues.

Adam Wood notes knowing the specialty of each employee to allocate tasks that entails more equity for the whole team. He says, “I would say that it’s not true that everybody enjoys performing the same kinds of work. As soon as you have a better grasp of your team, you should experiment with delegating work based on who prefers performing which tasks. This idea can only be put into practice if you are aware of how your employees feel about the duties they are assigned; therefore, you should place a high priority on communication in order to increase everyone’s level of involvement.”

parting thoughts

Improving employee engagement is so important to the success of any organisation. From creating a positive work culture to providing opportunities for growth and development, there are several strategies that businesses can use to boost employee engagement. As the seven experts have shared, communication, recognition, and feedback are all key components of a successful employee engagement strategy. By implementing these tips and focusing on building strong relationships with employees, businesses can create a workforce that is motivated, committed, and passionate about their work. As a result, businesses can achieve greater productivity, profitability, and success. So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these tips today and watch your employee engagement soar!

Author: Natalie Worden – Freelance translator.

Photo credit: Gustavo Fring

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