Special Guest: Martyn Dicker, Director or HR & Organisational Development at Fairtrade Foundation, Task Force Member and Chair of the not-for-profit subgroup.
In the UK, around 3/4 million people work in the voluntary sector and over 10 million adults volunteer at least once a month. An estimated 1.3 million full-time workers would be required, at an equivalent cost of £23.1 billion, to replace the work of those who volunteer at least once a month. The not-for-profit subgroup is exploring specific engagement issues in the sector, including the volunteering dynamic.
Join us as we talk about the EFS 3rd Sector Sub Group who are particularly interested in developing (and sharing) more robust employee engagement measures, gaining a better understanding of the psychological contract within the sector, dispelling some of the myths concerning engagement, understanding how engagement is changing and defining the role of managers in creating & sustaining a high-performance culture.
Martyn has been working in HR in the international development sector for over 10 years, having commenced his career in the private sector. He is a Chartered Member of CIPD.
Host: Jo Dodds