
Shaping the Future – Engaging Leadership – CIPD 

This Research Insight is about how an organisation, irrespective of size, sector or area of business, can exploit the potential of its people such that they can give their best in performance terms, in a way that increases their motivation, morale and well-being. A clear model of engaging leadership is given and supported by  three case studies. Evidence of the effectiveness of an engaging style of leadership comes from three principal sources – survey data, research evidence and case studies.

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  1. The research focuses on the importance of engaging leadership in creating organizations that can realize the full potential of their people. The authors argue that engaging leadership is not just about creating a happy workplace or boosting employee morale. Instead, it is about creating a work environment where employees feel motivated, empowered, and are given the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. The authors suggest that when leaders engage their employees, it leads to higher levels of commitment, job satisfaction, and ultimately, better organizational performance.

    The paper highlights several key factors that contribute to engaging leadership. Firstly, leaders need to communicate effectively and provide clear direction and expectations to their employees. This includes regular feedback and recognition for a job well done. Secondly, leaders need to create a culture of trust and respect in the workplace, where employees feel valued and supported. Thirdly, leaders need to be transparent and open to feedback, actively seeking out the opinions and ideas of their employees.

    The authors also explore the role of leadership in creating an inclusive work environment. They argue that engaging leadership is about creating a diverse workforce where everyone feels included and valued. This includes promoting diversity in recruitment and promotion processes, as well as fostering an inclusive culture where all employees feel they have a voice and can contribute to the success of the organization.

    Overall, the paper provides valuable insights into the importance of engaging leadership in creating organizations that can maximize the potential of their people. The authors offer practical advice for leaders looking to create an engaging work environment, emphasizing the importance of effective communication, trust, respect, and inclusivity. The paper is a valuable resource for anyone interested in leadership and organizational development.

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