
3 Digital Technologies That Can Help Improve Employee Wellness 

During these unpredictable times, remote work has become the new frontier for businesses everywhere. And while work productivity may be successfully manageable using this approach, maintaining the wellness of employees has become increasingly challenging for companies. Between a lack of equipment, homeschooling children, and finding a quiet place to work, occupational stress seems to be an increasingly prevalent issue for remote workers in the time of COVID-19. But, what if it didn’t have to be?

Despite the difficulties that come with adjusting to a new workplace, there are a few ways digital technologies can help to improve employee wellness. Read on to find out how!

1. Telehealth Services

Due to the influx of COVID-19 patients, accessing healthcare in-person can be quite difficult for many, especially if their issue is considered to be a “minor” illness or injury. That’s why many businesses have extended their healthcare coverage to telehealth services so employees can still take care of themselves and their families amid the coronavirus outbreak. You can use it for everything from receiving a specific skincare prescription to treat a particular skin condition to scheduling a virtual appointment with a licensed therapist. Using telehealth services is a simple, yet effective way to ensure that employees have the support they need to preserve their health throughout these unprecedented times.

Remember, however, that different telehealth platforms can target different audiences, have their own unique set of terms and conditions, and only be available to a select number of locations across the world. Be sure to look for one that best complies with your company’s current healthcare coverage as well as the employees of your business.

2. Corporate Wellness Programs

There’s no denying how troubling it can be to stay motivated to work towards certain wellness goals and health habits. Although fitness centers have slowly begun to reopen, there are still a number of preventative measures that have been taken to ensure the safety of all members such as limiting the total number of occupants acceptable in one space and the need to wear masks. This, along with the fact that many remote workers have their kitchens filled with tempting foods and kids creating chaos nearby, makes it all the more difficult to prioritize their health.

Luckily, Corporate wellness programs are a useful way to encourage employees to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors as it works to provide incentives for employees as they complete different aspects of any given wellness program. From offering small gifts such as an Amazon gift card to larger, more impactful incentives like additional paid time off (PTO), wellness reward programs can help employees prioritize their well-being, even in the midst of all the chaos caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

3. Online Communication Platforms

With limited public gatherings, in-person appointments, and remote work, face-to-face communication seems to be more difficult than ever before. As a result, many people have felt isolated and alone during this time, causing a strain on both their mental state and overall health. Beyond the negative impacts it can have on one’s personal well-being, a lack of communication can also be detrimental to work performance and employee morale, which is why online communication platforms are a necessary technology for businesses during this period.

Remaining connected to co-workers and other members of the business team is critical for staying on task and reaching the company goals. This is why Zoom, a common online communication platform for businesses, has become so popular for employees across the globe as they transition from in-office to remote work. Aside from this communication channel, other platforms such as Google Hangouts, Hive, Slack, and much more have been successful in keeping businesses on track and employees connected. In turn, this has served to further support the needs of remote workers and maintain a happy, healthy company culture.

Adapting to Change

Unfortunately, there is no telling how long the coronavirus outbreak will influence how we live, so it’s important that companies everywhere start to prepare for the unknown now as these consequences can not only affect the future of businesses as a whole, but also the wellness of the employees who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve success inside and outside of the workplace.

Using these digital technologies is a great stepping stone to adjusting to this new reality, but it shouldn’t stop there. For more information on how you can help improve employee wellness at your business, check out this link!

Author Credit: Adrianna S. is a creative content writer who focuses on thought-provoking pieces related to business management and leadership styles across a number of online channels.

Photo Credit: Alexas Fotos, Pixabay

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