what is behavioural economics?
the purpose of the tag
The purpose of this TAG is to support companies, businesses, and institutions achieve their objectives using lessons and tools from behavioural economics, such as nudges.
A “nudge” is: “any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people's behaviour in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.” (Thaler and Sunstein (2008))
We use a theoretically grounded and empirically validated understanding of human behaviour to effect change. Using our methods, we can increase employees' engagement and productivity, customer retention, and stakeholder’s satisfaction and contributions.
How can we use nudges to persuade line managers to take meaningful action planning seriously, at the same time as being engaging leaders? (This would include talking to their people one to one, setting challenging targets but refrain bully etc.)
The question would also refer to managers enabling employees’ voice, and ensuring they understand the strategic narrative. How do we persuade, through nudges, senior leaders to do more than pay lip service?
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We will build tailored interventions to improve coordination, motivation, engagement and cooperation in organisations with employees from diverse backgrounds. As a Thought and Action Group, we plan to work with individual organisations and/or into and across other TAGs. Experiments (or simulations) will focus on key engagement issues. For example:
Our objectives
This TAG aims to:
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