
Top 5 Reboarding Strategies To Boost workplace Engagement 

Today’s competitive workplace environment demands that employees are consistently productive, innovative, and committed to their work. The same cut throat competition can wear down motivation without proper company initiatives and employee support.

According to research from CultureAmp, employees with access to professional learning opportunities are 21% more engaged at work. However, maintaining high levels of engagement requires continuous effort, especially during transitions such as reboarding.

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of reboarding, the key elements of an effective reboarding plan, and five ways in which reboarding can help boost employee engagement.

What is Reboarding?

Reboarding is the process of reintroducing existing employees to the organisation after a significant absence or a major change. This can include situations such as returning from a leave of absence, transitioning to a new role, or restructuring.

It involves updating employees on changes within the organisation, refreshing their skills and knowledge, and familiarising them with the company’s culture and values.

Returning employees may experience feelings of apprehension, and reboarding helps facilitate a smooth transition back into the workplace while reaffirming their sense of value within the organisation.

By investing in reboarding, companies demonstrate their commitment to supporting their employees throughout their career journey and maximising their potential for long-term success.

Reboarding vs. Onboarding

Onboarding focuses on introducing new employees to the operations of an organisation. In contrast, reboarding is specifically designed for existing employees who are experiencing a transition, such as returning to work after a long absence or being shifted to a new role.

Returning employees are usually already familiar with the company culture and processes but need support to readjust to their roles, reconnect with their teams, and stay informed about any changes that happen during their absence.

While there may be some similarities in the content and initiatives involved, reboarding helps address the needs and concerns of returning employees.

Why is Reboarding Important?

Reboarding is important for several reasons:

  • Retention: It helps retain valuable employees by strengthening their connection to the organisation and re-engaging them in their work.
  • Productivity: Proper reboarding ensures that employees can quickly get back up to speed in order to minimise disruptions and maximise their engagement and productivity.
  • Morale: Feeling valued and supported during transitions can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • Alignment: Reboarding reinforces organisational goals, values, and expectations, ensuring that employees are familiar with and satisfied with the company’s mission and vision.
  • Culture: It helps maintain a strong organisational culture by reintroducing employees to the company’s values, norms, and traditions.

Key Elements of an Effective Reboarding Plan

The following initiatives can help organisations form an effective reboarding plan to relieve any employee anxieties about returning to work and ease them back into the company environment:

Buddy Support Systems

Pair returning employees with experienced colleagues who can provide support and assistance during the reboarding process. Buddies can help reintegrate employees into the team, answer questions, and address any concerns they may have. These buddy relationships foster a sense of belonging and ease the transition back into the workplace.

Regular Managerial Follow-Ups

Managers should schedule regular meetings with returning employees to check in on their progress, address any issues, and provide support. Consistent communication between managers and returning employees helps build trust and rapport, which are essential for developing a positive work environment.

Team-Building Events

Organise team-building events to help re-establish connections among team members. These events can include team lunches or team-building exercises that improve communication and trust. Team-building events create opportunities for returning employees to feel like part of the team again.

Cohort Bonding Groups

Create cohort bonding groups composed of employees who are going through similar transitions. These groups provide a supportive network where employees can share experiences and develop connections with their peers.

Introductory Welcome Kits

Provide returning employees with welcome kits containing essential resources and tools to help them navigate their return to the organisation. This can include updated employee handbooks, technology updates, other relevant materials, and access to online courses for skill enhancement. These courses are designed to prepare them for upcoming challenges and ensure a smooth reintegration into the workplace.

Orientation Tours

Conduct orientation tours to familiarise returning employees with any changes in the workspace facilities or equipment. This provides returning employees with an opportunity to become comfortable with the organisation’s environment.

Five Ways Reboarding Can Boost Employee Engagement

Let’s explore some ways in which reboarding can boost employee engagement and ensure that returning employees are comfortable with the transition:

1. Maintain a Comprehensive Onboarding Process

Organisations can incorporate reboarding activities into existing onboarding processes to ensure that returning employees receive the same level of support as new hires. This helps maintain consistency and reinforces the organisation’s commitment to employee development.

Integrating reboarding into the onboarding process ensures that returning employees receive a structured orientation to the organisation, its culture, and its expectations. This helps them quickly get up to speed and demonstrates the organisation’s investment in their success and well-being.

2. Enhance Employee Retention Rates

Effective reboarding can significantly impact employee retention rates by making returning employees feel valued, supported, and engaged. When employees feel appreciated and connected to the organisation, they are more likely to stay committed in the long run.

Organisations can invest in reboarding initiatives that prioritise employee wellness in order to reduce turnover rates and retain their top talent.

This saves time and resources associated with training new employees and fosters a stable work environment for productivity.

3. Foster a Psychologically Secure Workplace Environment

Reboarding initiatives that prioritise open communication, transparency, and psychological safety create a positive work environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns and feedback. This fosters trust and mutual respect, leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

When employees feel psychologically safe at work, they are more likely to contribute their ideas, take risks, and collaborate with their colleagues. This leads to better decision-making and enhances overall team performance and innovation.

In this manner, organisations can create a culture of trust that drives employee engagement and success.

4. Improve Communication Between Management and Employees

Reboarding provides an opportunity for managers to communicate openly and effectively with returning employees, ensuring that they are informed about new changes or expectations. Clear and consistent communication helps prevent misunderstandings and develops a sense of trust and accountability.

By keeping employees informed and engaged throughout the reboarding process, managers can address concerns, demonstrate their support and commitment, and provide the guidance and direction needed for success.

This strengthens the manager-employee relationship and empowers employees to perform their best and contribute to the organisation’s goals and objectives.

5. Leverage the Benefits of Employee Engagement Software

Utilise employee engagement software to gather feedback, measure engagement levels, and track the effectiveness of reboarding initiatives. These tools provide valuable insights into employee sentiment, preferences, and areas for improvement, allowing organisations to make data-driven decisions and optimise their reboarding process.

By leveraging employee engagement software, organisations can refine reboarding initiatives to address specific challenges and increase employee engagement.

Employee engagement software provides:

Harnessing this technology allows organisations to enhance the effectiveness of their reboarding efforts and drive employee engagement and performance.


Reboarding boosts employee engagement by reintegrating returning employees into the organisation, reinforcing their connection to the company, and aligning them with its goals and values.

By implementing a comprehensive reboarding plan that includes the strategies mentioned above, organisations can effectively support and engage their returning employees.

Through continuous communication, feedback, and improvement, organizations can leverage the power of reboarding to drive employee engagement, improve retention rates, increase productivity, and develop a positive work environment.

Author: Dhruv Mehta – SEO Specialist, Vestra

Photo credit: Mikhail Nilov

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