
Employee Engagement news, blogs, research and opinion: What’s appearing on the web this week? 

Click below to read some of the employee engagement content that’s being discussed and shared on the web this week. (w/c 08 Jul 2013)

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Why four-day workweeks are bestCNN
Gina, the owner of a busy graphic design firm, started giving herself — and her employees — four-day workweeks after she had knee surgery and found it tough to get around. It was meant to be temporary, and Gina only made the change because she felt guilty staying home while the others toiled. But she quickly realized the shorter week was less a burden than a surprise boon. From Monday through Thursday, her staff got in early to get their work done, and employees seemed genuinely excited to be there. Productivity increased dramatically. People still had fun, but even the office chitchat seemed more efficient. And when they were at work, they worked.

Work isn’t working: Microsoft ‘envisioner’ Dave Coplin on why the office must changeMetro
We’ve all done it. We’ve all regretted it. It’s just too easy. Why on Earth would we poke our head round the computer screen in front of us to talk to the person on the other side when a simple email to them will suffice? Having an actual conversation with someone two yards away is so overrated.This scenario is one we all recognise and joke about, but there is something serious – and even dangerous – about it.

How Salesforce And Deloitte Tackle Employee Engagement With GamificationForbes
With less than 30 percent of workers today committed to and satisfied with their work, leaders need to find ways to change their employees’ attitudes and habits. One route runs through non-financial recognition and rewards. Badgeville Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder Kris Duggan suggests that “gamification” not only can help employees to engage with positive behaviors, but can actually get them addicted to habits of excellence.

How Corporate Jargon Shapes Corporate CultureHuffington Post
When I was 19, I got burnt out on waiting tables and decided to become a part-time office bunny. I stocked up on office attire and went down to Kelly Services, where a nice lady got me into a clerical temp job at a fancy schmancy office high above the skating rink in Rockefeller Center. For me, working in the corporate world was pure anthropology.

For better employee engagement, ditch your engagement projectsWashington Business Journal
Gallup is out with its 2013 State of the American Workplace Report. The cornerstone of the report is that 70 percent of American workers are “emotionally disconnected from their workplaces.” This number has not varied by more than 4 percentage points in a dozen years. The report begs the question: Does “employee engagement” drive company performance or is it the other way around?


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