Special Guest: Melissa Lamson – CEO of Lamson Consulting
Melissa Lamson, CEO of Lamson Consulting, works with successful leaders to refine their professional skills and create inclusive workplaces. She knows that when leaders present the best version of themselves, individuals, teams and the organisation wins.
Melissa has a Masters in Intercultural Relations. She founded companies in Europe and the US, has clients and projects in over 40 countries, and has authored 6 books. Melissa works side-by-side with a global list of C-level executives. Throughout her career, she has helped build strong leadership cultures, developed manager and leadership learning programs from the ground up, and acquired first-hand knowledge of several leading industries, including the latest advancements in AI.
Today, many organisations are practicing DEI all wrong. The models and strategies that are used are outdated, irrelevant and even harmful. They certainly aren’t moving the needle. Organisations need to commit to new ways of practicing DEI and tying those directly back to employee needs. Melissa Lamson will discuss how organisations can successfully tackle employee engagement and talent management through new, innovative methods. We need a revolution in the Future of Work to increase engagement, productivity and innovation.
Join us as we discuss how organisations can successfully tackle employee engagement and talent management through new, innovative methods.
Host: Jo Moffatt