Special Guest: Justin Robbins, Co-Founder at Fit2Communicate
A blanket of negativity seems to exist over the education sector right now. We hear it all of the time. Teachers are leaving the profession in their droves. The number of those leaving exceeds those joining. Of those joining at least a third of them will have left within three years. And for those poor souls left in education there is not enough money nor time to do what is required.
So should such a purposeful industry be resigned to its fate? Is teacher disengagement the symptom or the cause? Join us for a discussion with Justin Robbins, co-founder of Fit2Communicate, and leader of the Engage For Success Education workstream, to hear how this group plans to stop teacher disengagement.
Justin Robbins is a 20 year communication professional, and a Fellow of the Institute of Internal Communication. In 2014, along with Karen Dempster, he founded Fit2Communicate to raise the standard of communication in all schools by harnessing the power of communication between the school, students, parents and local communities. Their unique approach to school communication is described in their first book for school leaders called ‘How to Build Communication Success in Your School’ which was published in March 2017.
Host: Jo Moffatt