
5 Ways To Reinvent Performance Management 

The path to a successful performance management strategy isn’t always a simple one; however, making changes that are manageable in small steps can yield significant results. The following points serve as a reminder of essential elements that make up an effective process.

What is performance management?

In theory, performance management is about helping monitor and enhance the performance of individuals within that organisation. In real life, performance management is seen as management constantly striving to improve their employees, by setting clearly defined goals, and providing regular feedback.
Contrary to other methods of reviewing employee performance like annual performance evaluations, employee performance management is more active and involved, resulting in better results. For those in the Human Resources department, performance management system is crucial for on-boarding, training, retention, and monitoring performance. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the yearly appraisal system fails to effectively motivate employees, does not consistently meet and set corporate goals, and does not provide a clear understanding of employee performance.

goals of managing performance

The aim of implementing performance management programmes is to provide both employees and managers an organised and consistent framework in which to operate that will, in turn, result in increased productivity. This system helps employees understand how to succeed, how they stack up against key indicators, tracks their progress and provides useful feedback. It also offers opportunities for development and training.

There are five primary goals of performance management:

  • Create clear roles as well as expectations and goals
  • Enhance the engagement of employees
  • Develop leadership and management abilities
  • Increase productivity by enhancing performance
  • Design a performance-based reward program that rewards achievement

The performance management goals provide the path to follow from setting objectives to rewarding more extraordinary accomplishments. If one of these goals is not achieved, it has a knock-on effect on the other goals as well.

5 Ways to Reinvent Performance Management

  • Create an ongoing process

Performance management which includes planning, monitoring and measurement, and feedback and coaching, should all be part of a continuous and ongoing process, not just an annual event. Regular feedback improves learning and gives the opportunity to make adjustments required to achieve goals. The mind-set towards continuous feedback is equally important. If the organisation integrates feedback into daily interactions, it will help drive goal-directed performance improvement.

  • Increase productivity through goal-based management

Regularly tracking employee goals through the applicant tracking system, provides feedback when required, helps adjust performance plans and overcome issues, and enables contingency planning. Without a system to consistently keep track of progress against goals, the continuous, cyclical structure of the procedure is thrown off, and productivity declines. All feedback regarding performance should be conducted with respect and must be supportive and objective. Sharing specific examples will provide clarity and allow employees to focus on future improvement opportunities. It is essential that the manager considers employees’ viewpoint and incorporates their suggestions when planning for the future.

  • Inspire full participation and a spirit of achievement

The process of managing performance must add value, or it can lead to resistance and lack of participation. Additionally, the process itself needs to be as efficient and straightforward as possible. For example, automatic reminders or scheduling softwares, could help in keeping the process in check. Another factor that is crucial to the success of a company is to have full support from top management by way of encouragement and their participation in the performance management evaluations themselves. Additionally, think about the current culture within your company concerning appraisals for performance and how it’s managed. Does the environment support an efficient procedure? Does the company have a transparent, honest communication culture, or are employees afraid when they commit mistakes? Employees should be able to openly discuss their performance and think about ways to improve to move forward.

  • Train and prepare your managers

Training is necessary to ensure that managers are equipped with the right skills and know-how to complete every task related to managing performance. This is especially important for supervisors who have recently been promoted. Managers must understand how to connect with their people, how to motivate, how to build an environment for coaching, and how to manage conflicts. To a large extent, managers need to be observers, capable of assessing the situation, offering motivation, and recognising issues that may interfere with their performance. Furthermore, managers should be aware that people with different levels of competence, comfort, and knowledge of their jobs require additional involvement, support, and supervision. Finally, employees who are equipped to give and receive feedback, evaluate performance, and hold the performance evaluation is a critical element in the success of the process.

  • Perfect the performance review

The performance appraisal of the employee must outline everything that has been discussed here. Based on job expectations and the critical areas of contribution, and goals and methods for evaluation, the appraisal should be a documented proof of the information that has been discussed with employees. The form should have ssential duties, current project work, relevant skills, and goals and accomplishments. Referring to previous performance appraisals documents can be useful, and could include an area for employees to record their comments and inputs. The comments on the form have to be based on employees roles and the observed behaviours.

It is crucial to prepare in advance. Plan a suitable location and time that is not interrupted. Make sure that the employees have all the necessary information to enable them to be prepared. Start the discussion by introducing the requirements for the job, strengths and achievements. The main focus, as previously mentioned, is to be forward-looking. How the manager conducts the meeting communicates an impression of its significance and must be carried out with the proper level of seriousness and an open mind. The manager should be prepared with the topic(s) of discussion, but more importantly, they must be prepared to listen too.

Start by outlining the primary purpose of the meeting and what are the agenda items likely to be covered in the allocated time. A discussion that is factually focused on job-related actions will help keep the conversation focused. After the meeting, the key issues should be summarised and an agreement received from the employees confirming the evaluation about them.

Summing it up
Performance Management Reviews are here to stay, and we have to make them new again through an effective process built on feedback, development, and high performance.

Author Bio: Aftab Vasiwala – SEO Specialist, Techimply

Photo credit: Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

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