
Kill Performance Management 

“Why do we do performance management?  What are we aiming to achieve?  Does it help or hinder employee engagement?  Does our performance management system leave our employees feeling more engaged with the objectives of our organisation and wanting to give of their best, or does it kill their motivation?

Doug Crawford, Managing  Director of Cerus Consulting and a specialist in employee engagement and performance management, asks a series of provocative questions in his article Kill Performance Management and proposes a radical rethink of what we do.  He asks whether the way we do performance management runs counter to our desire to create an engaging work environment, where we trust individuals, liberate their potential, and motivate them to excel.

He asks whether we have clouded the real purpose of managing performance.  Are we doing performance management because we distrust the few, rather than because we want to motivate the many? Are we focussed on process rather than the conversation?  Do we need to go one step further and abandon reports and annual markings in favour of a more tailored, ongoing conversation that changes performance management from ‘done to’ to ‘done together’?  How ready are we to change our mindset and attitudes to recover the fundamental objective of motivating our staff to excel.

Doug has over 20 years consulting experience across a wide range organisations, both in the UK and internationally. He is a member of the Engage for Success Guru Steering Group and actively involved in the London Practitioners Group, the Engagement in the 3rd Sector sub group and the special interest groups on neuroscience and engagement, performance management and leadership.”

Image courtesy of Imagery Majestic/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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