
Redefining the Wealth Generation Ecosystem 

This ground breaking new report is brought to you by a collaboration between two Engage For Success Thought Action Groups: People Productivity and Wellbeing. At a time when organisations are emerging out of lockdown and evaluating how best to structure their return to work, there lies an opportunity for leadership teams to reflect on what has been learned from the Covid-19 experience, explore what people-related elements should be retained for the future, and capitalise on those gains at a personal and organisational level that can also have a positive impact on society and the public purse.

All around the world, what a business exists for is changing. The authors of this report believe that organisations with purpose, combined with a people first attitude, are showing an enhanced route to success. It was once thought that the only reason a business existed was to make a profit. Leadership guru and organisational advisor expert Peter Drucker famously said that the sole purpose of a business was to make money. But this sole focus on income generation assumes that you could claw back a failing business by just raising prices and generating more revenue. But does any of this still ring true in 2021? For starters, some of our most successful and recognizable brands aren’t profitable at all. They may have completely changed the consumer landscape – and to an extent our society – yet never turned a profit (or took a very long time to get there).

This report aims to stimulate further conversation around the importance of people productivity in the workplace and its linkage to employee engagement and wellbeing. Collectively, the authors believe that at the heart of successful organisations lies a commitment to employee wellbeing and organisational purpose that connects with their employees’ life purpose and people productivity. “

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