
How Generative AI Can Help Boost Video Content Engagement 

Generative AI has quickly become one of the most exciting and transformational technologies. Its remarkable capabilities have taken the world by storm, revolutionising various industries and unlocking new possibilities. In fact, if you recall, ChatGPT raced to 100 million users in just 2 months – for comparison, TikTok took 9 months to hit this figure while Instagram needed 2.5 years.

But the impact of generative AI extends far beyond individual applications. This groundbreaking technology has started making profound inroads into organisations and their tech stacks, transforming traditional workflows and opening new avenues for productivity and innovation in marketing.

But did you know that generative AI will change how your employees engage with video content? Let’s explore how.

How Generative AI will trANSFORM VIdeo Content engagement

Generative AI has ushered in a new era of video content engagement, transforming how employees interact with digital material. Here are the impacts it’ll have on your employees.

Video Content Understanding and uptake

Generative AI will revolutionise how your employees understand and interpret video content, leading to greater engagement. The technology can simplify and have a better grasp of complex concepts.

What’s more, it can analyse vast amounts of data, distill top insights, present them in a simplified format, and save time. 

For instance, if you’re in an industry like finance or healthcare, generative AI will help write plain-language explanations or visual aids that help your employees grasp the underlying principles without getting overwhelmed with jargon.

Apart from that, generative AI will empower your employees to communicate more effectively with various stakeholders. They can use it to explain things better to people who aren’t subject matter experts. The result would be efficient communication between internal and external stakeholders.

Furthermore, the technology will provide content accessibility to a wider, far-reaching audience. For instance, AI tools like Movavi Video Editor can help generate videos in minutes using text. Similarly, you can create icons using an AI icon maker and publish them on social media. These formats might resonate better with people who don’t prefer to read text, which could mean that more of your employees will engage with the content. 

With such capabilities, your employees will be able to cater to individuals with different learning preferences or accessibility needs. 

This ensures video content is engaging and meaningful to everyone, fostering a more inclusive workplace.

Fact-Checking skills

Generative AI-powered video content creation tools can help your employees create content quickly. But this content would need to be checked as AI can fudge or provide incorrect information.

This is also the reason why you must choose the right video content creation tools to minimise the chances of such inconsistencies. Here’s a curated list of online video makers by Attrock that can help your employees create content quickly. 

In any case, getting your facts checked before publishing video content can benefit you and your employees. That’s because any false information published can and will affect your brand’s image.

It’ll be essential to cross-reference information from multiple credible sources, consult subject matter experts, and verify data and statistics to mitigate the risks associated with misinformation.

You can promote a culture of responsible video content consumption and creation by encouraging your employees to query the information they come across. Also, you can provide training on fact-checking techniques and promote media literacy to equip them with the necessary skills to navigate AI-generated video content effectively.

This will help employees to take the initiative to fact-check all information they consume, including videos and get better at discerning misinformation before using them for their work.

In the US, the San Jose city administration instructed its employees to fact-check all the data that’s generated by AI tools before using it for any purpose. They’ve even been restricted from entering any personal data into generative AI tools.

Bot Interactions

In the quest for efficiency and convenience, your employees will find AI chatbots valuable resources for quick information retrieval. Instead of relying on colleagues or scouring the internet manually for hours for video content, they’ll likely engage with AI chatbots to find answers to their queries promptly and clearly. 

These chatbots leverage generative AI algorithms to understand and respond to questions, providing accurate and relevant information in real-time. This automation streamlines video content sharing and will reduce the need for extensive collaboration or external resources.

A large chunk of employees in marketing and tech companies have already begun using generative AI. 

Ethical Implications

AI platforms undergo rigorous training. However, there may be a possibility of inherited biases from the trainers. Generative AI relies on data collected from various sources and may unintentionally (or intentionally) reflect the biases of the individuals who have contributed to its development and training.

The presence of these biases in AI-generated video content can have significant consequences, including perpetuating stereotypes, reinforcing inequalities, or unintentionally marginalising certain groups. 

That means being cautious and critical when engaging with AI-generated video content and recognising the importance of promoting fairness, diversity, and inclusivity for your employees. 

To address this challenge, you must proactively work towards mitigating bias in generative AI systems and also making your employees aware of its biases. That’s because the more they consume this content, they’ll likely inherit those biases. This could potentially harm your company culture. Implementing robust guidelines and ethical frameworks will help ensure that the algorithms and data used in video content generation are as unbiased as possible. 

Additionally, some sensitive data could make it to the AI and get leaked, which raises further concerns. It’s one of the main reasons why Samsung chose to ban generative AI use for its employees.

Decision-Making skills

Artificial intelligence will help your employees gain the ability to make better decisions, whether for recruitment or sales. AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and extracting meaningful patterns and correlations from it. 

By leveraging sophisticated algorithms, your employees can better understand trends, customer behavior, market dynamics, and gain other relevant insights. 

That enables them to confidently make data-driven decisions, relying on evidence rather than intuition alone. Furthermore, generative AI systems offer advanced predictive analysis capabilities, allowing your employees to explore multiple scenarios and simulate various outcomes.

By evaluating different inputs and variables, they can assess the potential impact of their decisions before implementing them in the lead generation funnel strategy. This proactive approach mitigates risks and facilitates strategic planning, enabling employees to optimise their decision-making process and achieve better results.

Workplace engagement will go up dramatically in this case as employees would be able to discuss their ideas more confidently with their colleagues, leading to more discussion and better debates. This, in turn, would lead to the best ideas being implemented, which otherwise would have gone unnoticed.

Platforms like Pyramid have integrated generative AI into their systems, enabling their customers to access powerful data-driven insights. 


The widespread adoption of generative AI will fundamentally change how your employees interact with video content, and its impact extends far beyond video content creation alone.

It’ll help your employees gain better understanding of the concepts, have better bot interactions, and make data-driven decisions.

However, the video content from generative AI can pose ethical concerns and would need more fact-checking. And that’s why you need to foster a human-centric approach. Combining human creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence with AI-driven efficiencies can unlock a future where employees can thrive and engage with AI-generated video content in meaningful ways. It opens up new avenues for driving up employee engagement and boosting your company culture and team spirit.

Author: Reena Aggarwal – Head of Operations and Sales, Attrock 

Photo credit: George Milton

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