Welcome one and all to the employee engagement news roundup! We’ve decided to mix things up a bit and change the format just a little from now on.
But don’t fret, you can still get your fix of employee engagement news right here! From now on we’ll simply theme these roundups around different challenges and topics in engagement.
More specifically, we’ll be shining a light on the wonderful work being done by the Engage For Success Thought and Action Groups.This month our focus is all around engagement during times of adversity.
As ever, if you have something to share why not get in touch via twitter @Engage4success or email us at content@engageforsuccess.org?
Minimising employee uncertainty: A job for the CEO? – HC Online
All successful organisations will experience change. Change is seen by many as the catalyst to keep organisations alive, with one expert even claiming high turnover as a positive due partially to its stimulation to change. However, change commonly manifests as mergers or downsizings, which can result in lost jobs. New research from Monash University, University of Queensland and the Palladium Group revealed that CEOs must play an active part in extinguishing the anxiety that may be rattling employees during periods of change.
Why Leaders Often Fail in Managing Organizational Change and Driving Innovation – Sand Hill Business Strategy
Recently I was invited to a software company to help figure out why employees were so disgruntled. Bright, creative and with an entrepreneurial spirit, this business should have been moving quickly into the future. Instead, it was mired, confused and lost. It wasn’t because the founder didn’t have a vision. She did. But as I interviewed her and her employees the answer became obvious to me. All she had was vision and she wasn’t communicating it to the employees so that it would translate into action.
Building a Resilient Organizational Culture – Harvard Business Review
Current events teach us that crisis and even disaster occur far more frequently than previously anticipated. Japan’s post-tsunami crisis and repeated tornadoes of the Southern and Midwestern US demonstrate the vulnerability of modern infrastructures to the forces of nature. Wall Street’s meltdown, the subsequent recession, and the consequent demise of discretionary spending remind us that human-made disasters can be devastating in other ways.