A recent ‘Employee Engagement and Benefits’ feature in The Times magazine had insightful articles on a variety of topics relevant to Employee Engagement. The first article starts of with ‘There’s often nothing quite like a statistic about cold, hard cash to put a subject into context’.
The article states how ‘the government has put its weight behind an effort to address the problem and its causes by endorsing Engage for Success’. It quotes our recent programme director Wendy Leedham as saying ‘There’s money sitting on the table here, in terms of growth and organisational performances, that translates into GDP for our country’. The other benefits include employees have fewer illnesses, happier lives and they feel fulfilled in terms of having meaning and purpose’.
Wendy went onto say ‘What’s important is that you find a way that’s authentic for your organisation, your culture and the point in the journey you’re on. This is not about how you do engagement. This is about doing all the things you do but doing them in an engaging way’
The feature has insightful case studies from AKQA, a digital advertising company which has a management model that the 4 enablers would fit into. Debbie Tankard, national sales and marketing manager aat Co-Operative Flexible Benefits states ‘with an increasingly online workforce, the most efficient way to communicate a benefits package and its advantages to employees is through an online portal’.
A study by Ixaris of 4,800 employees found cash bonuses to be the same as salary, suggesting there is no additional value, so it’s worth researching non – cash alternatives, which can excite, engage and motivate employees.