
Adversity Month: Employee Engagement news, blogs, research and opinion. (28/10/13) 

 Welcome one and all to the employee engagement news roundup! It’s still October which means it’s still adversity month here at Engage for Success.

As we continue to shine a light on the wonderful work being done by the Engage For Success Project Sub Groups why not peruse some of these great articles on the subject of employee engagement during times of adversity and change?

Next month we’re going all financial with the subject of the economic debate and engagement so watch this space! As ever, if you have something to share why not get in touch via twitter @Engage4success or email us at content@engageforsuccess.org?

Four Tips to Motivate Employees When You’re Facing AdversityThe Biz Coach
Effective bosses have antennas to alert them over looming challenges. If they don’t have such an antenna, it’s important for them to develop one for multiple credibility reasons. Even the bosses of small companies can suffer from image problems externally and internally. Either one or both will adversely affect profits. An inordinate number of in internal financial challenges impeding the control of costs often indicate the need to implement a cultural change for profits.

Should you conduct an employee engagement survey in difficult times? – HR Zone
It’s a question that many companies ask, particularly when they’re thinking about conducting an engagement survey for the first time. It reflects, I think, a natural desire to avoid seeking feedback when you’re concerned that something like a restructuring, a pay freeze or redundancies will have a negative impact on engagement. However, I’ve always thought that’s a rather dangerous approach. Far better to take a leaf out of Don Corleone’s book and insist on hearing bad news immediately. At least you can then act before employee disaffection begins to hit customer satisfaction or sales or some other important metric.

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