Thought and action groups

behavioural economics tag

EFS has a Thought & Action Group led by Professor Thorsten Chmura at Nottingham Business School (NTU). It is currently running a pilot within a large public sector department to examine and build levels of trust. We are working with other organisations who are interested in taking part too. The pilot has been approved by NTU Ethics Committee. Findings can be anonymised if desired. 

line managers tag

Research conducted by the Line Manager TAG has highlighted the fundamental role line managers play in the engagement of employees. Developing and implementing employee engagement initiatives in practice is ‘everyone’s responsibility’, but there are a number of key roles that need to be fulfilled for initiatives to be successful. Research was conducted in the NHS (Scotland and England), the Police Service, and HMRC.

organisational integrity and values tag

This group aims to help organisations across the UK achieve their goals in the most effective and powerful way. At the heart of our work is ‘closing the say-do gap’, between what is laid out in strategy and plans, and what happens in day-to-day practice.

Visit our Organisational Integrity TAG page on the EfS website to see what our initial findings reveal about how management and practice influence employee engagement.

engagement champions tag

The Engagement Champions TAG is a newly formed group that is exploring how engagement champions develop, promote and implement employee engagement initiatives. The group will look at how ideas develop and what drives them. Looking specifically at engagement ‘champions’ (also known as change agents), the group is interested in talking to any organisations wanting to take part.

A link to Engagement Champions TAG page will be added shortly. In the meantime, if you’d like to know more please email

Photo by Rich Tervet on Unsplash

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