
Less Than Half of UK&I Workforce Are Happy 

The employer-employee relationship can make or break a business. Organisations that cultivate great staff relations will probably achieve greater success in the long term, and enjoy the benefits of happy, productive, and settled employees.

However, it seems all is not well within the workplace, and the levels of satisfaction and engagement have hit an all-time low. This has triggered wave after wave of highly damaging trends that have swept through organisations large and small – from ‘The Great Resignation’, to ‘Quiet Quitting’ and more recently, ‘Bare Minimum Mondays.’

Cezanne HR’s study uncovered the following worrying trends:

  • Only 48% of employees in the UK and Ireland are satisfied with their roles.
  • Nearly 20% of employees say a positive work-life balance is essential to great satisfaction.
  • Nearly 60% of employees don’t know or align with their organisation’s values.

These trends indicate something is desperately going wrong with how companies engage with their employees. The latest report aimed to uncover why negative workplace trends keep surfacing, what the core drivers of workplace dissatisfaction are, and what employees believe contributes to truly satisfying workplaces.

“People often assume that healthy annual salaries, monetary-based rewards or perks are key drivers of workplace satisfaction. However, as our research discovered, that simply isn’t the case. Our research found that satisfied employees value things that money can’t necessarily buy, such as a positive work-life balance, the relationships they have with colleagues and the environment they work in”, said Paul Bauer, Head of Content for Cezanne HR.

“If employers and their HR teams want to prevent building a workforce full of dissatisfied employees, they must assess how satisfying their organisation is to work for. They then must investigate and learn what can be done to nurture a rewarding employment experience for everyone. Fortunately for HR teams, modern HR systems can go a long way towards helping them to identify and find solutions to many of the most pressing engagement issues,” Paul added.

Engage For Success recently published its own study – EFS UK EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEY 2022. It highlights that the response of employers to their employees’ workplace needs in any given situation can make all the difference. The level of engagement – which includes effective communication, involvement, development and support – determines overall workplace satisfaction.

You can download the latest Cezanne HR report here.

Author: Binu Jacob – EFS Engagement & Communications Co-lead.

Photo credit: RDNE Stock project

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