are you a new volunteer?
explore the welcome pack and watch David MacLeod's welcome video!
Connect with the different efs volunteer hubs
Volunteers Hub
We are the first point of contact for potential volunteers and assess their levels of interest, capacity and capability. We keep volunteers and hubs connected, and share volunteers' stories in the NewsBriEFS Newsletter.
Thought and Action Groups (TAGs) Hub
We facilitate the work of the various EFS TAGs and encourage the promotion and sharing of their activities, outputs, and research to maximise the impact of the movement.
Communications Hub
We manage all EFS communication channels and campaigns to support our TAGs and to sustain an engaging audience experience and to increase audience engagement and participation.
Partnerships Hub
We build upon the existing relationships between EFS and external partners and organisations; and identify, instigate, nurture and develop new and existing relationships.
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Volunteers, in conversation
What have our EFS volunteers been talking about lately? Check out these videos to find out!